Movies that should never be made 5

July 2nd, 2011

now what?

“Lost in transaction”

Actually I was, during my stay in Japan: I happened to have my account with a bank that had no english option in the menus of their ATMs. This feels a little bit like touch typing on the touch screen: Don’t look where you press, just remember the positions…

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5 Responses to “Movies that should never be made 5”

  1. nad Says:

    too be on the safe side: -apart from remembering the positions on the touch screen – one should may be also remember the Kanji-Katakana-Hiragana signs which say the sentence: You just transferred all your money to a temporary account in Kuala Lumpur.

  2. new movie Says:

    New idea: Movies that should never be made: “Das Schweigen der Lemma”

  3. timh Says:

    Ah, but unfortunately that gag has already been used:
    Jamiri’s “Großes Kino” has “Das schweigende Lemma” und “Last Axino Hero” movie posters… :)


  4. new movie Says:

    Damn it!
    Just thought of it the other day, whilst trying to keep up with the tablet magic in HM2 – you are way faster with it!!


  5. timh Says:

    Good ideas don’t degrade, just because others had them too.
    And: should I really switch to typing next fall, I will considerably slow down. That is for sure :)


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