Archive for the ‘boolean’ Category

anamorphotic lens flares FTW

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

J. J. did not invent them btw.

ISCO Göttingen Kiptar 2x. Jep. A projector lens. But an anamorphot does what anamorphots do.

colorgraded squirrel

Monday, March 12th, 2012


Squirrel content! After the camera tracking test and the environment lighting experiment, I did some color grading.

The above image is basically sooc (simply out of camera). Basic modern motion picture style color grading makes it look something like this:


Now, it is fun to watch some trailers and try to match tone and grading…

janeDryBleach.pngjaneTransformer2.png janeArtist.png janeHugo.png

cmc in the back yard

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012

would be nice to have wouldn't it?