Archive for the ‘home’ Category

Zen Thing

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

BahnCards don't help...

That train driver strike really messes with my zen thing…

without words.

Thursday, July 17th, 2014

moody me

(Yashica) Scoping around…

Wednesday, March 27th, 2013




all taken in 1.5 anamorphic 3:2 stretched by 1.5 to give 2.25:1 aspect ratio.

I recently got myself a Yashica Scope anamorphotic lens. This little gem was originally intended for use with the Yashica 8T2 8mm film camera. I did my first experiments with anamorphotic lenses with an Isco Göttingen Anamorphotic Kiptar which is a lens intended for 36mm film projectors. The Kiptar is a factor 2 anamopthot meaning that the image gets squeezed by a factor 2 horizontally (the lens itself is oblivious to the orientation and in fact the Kiptar was ment to stretch the image by factor 2 for projection) which gives with the now usual 16 : 9 recording format (1 : 1.77) a very wide 1 : 3.55 aspect ratio. Though I do like this extra wide format it is sort of unusual and often one wants to crop to the “regular” modern cinemascope 1 : 2.35.

This will be a rather long post (at least for this site).

