Archive for the ‘work’ Category

Movies that should never be made 1

Friday, June 3rd, 2011

In an attempt to save students from the slavery of calculations, ....

(“Indiana Tim and the Black Board of Doom”)

Evaluation results

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

got my teaching evaluation

  1. hat: priceless*
  2. new hair cut**: 11€
  3. orange jacket: fashionable (Hornbach, 20€)
  4. numbers: underrepresented – should use more of them (maybe labeling the lemmas?)
  5. oral ability: repeats things, slightly confused, generally o.k. (but should shut up while erasing the black board) – 1,72€***
  6. handwriting: FAIL – but hey: it’s for free!
  7. content: too abstract. Price: could probably be estimated by a maximum likelihood estimation for the nonlinear rational expectations asset pricing model…
  8. script: secret treasure – at least it’s existence is still a secret to some…
  9. special way to tie shoes ****: pays off in the long run…

*although at central station I was offered 100€ for it recently…
**They mentioned that!
***This is what I found in my hat at the lecture hall exit after class last Wednesday.
****They mentioned that as well! But this is an elaborate way for easily getting rid of the footwear when sitting in a train, really.


Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

In reality I am not that blue...

A very rough and first 3d relief in jReality with the kinect driver for processing.

Now we can start playing…